Born in Bari on 10/08/1974.
Graduated in 1998 in Latin Paleography at the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” with a thesis on Forme e funzioni delle scritte esposte della Cattedrale di Bari (secoli V-XIV).
PhD in 2003 in «Fonti scritte dell’antichità e del medioevo» (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”), with a thesis on Scritture distintive e litterae notabiliores nei manoscritti bobbiesi di età longobarda.
From 2006 researcher of Palaeography at the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (DISUM), University of Bari.
His research topics are: writing in the Roman world; epigraphic writing from antiquity to the Middle Ages; paratext and display script; book production in late antiquity Greek and Latin and the origin of the scriptorium; composition, publication and dissemination of works of Gregory the Great; grammatical manuscripts in Beneventan writing; writing and manuscripts in Bobbio in the early Middle Ages.