I am a French student in Science of Religion at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. I study ecclesiology with Dominique Iogna-Prat at the Césor, Center for Social Research on Religion. My interest in ecclesiology, theology and history of the Church lead me to examine Adrien Gréa’s life work. My Master’s thesis deals with his treaty : De l’Église et de sa divine constitution (1884). Adrien Gréa (1828-1917) was a catholic ultramontain priest, a great scholar who mastered science of text, and the founder of a monastic order. His treaty can be regarded as the junction point between Fisrt Vatican Concil and Second Vatican Concil. My aim is to show how Adrien Gréa drew heavily on antique and medieval theologians in order to face the religious issues of the late 19th century.