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Isabel Varillas Sánchez


Graduated in Classical Philology and Master in Classical Philology by University of Salamanca, I am working currently in a PhD in Classics under the supervision of Juan Signes Codoñer in the University of Valladolid. I participated in the 4th and 5th Conference Ganimedes and in the 3rd International Conferences “Mediterráneos 2016”, organized by CSIC. In addition, I took part in the International Itinerant Paleography School 2017 (Bari-Florence). At present, I am a member of Research project “The Byzantine author II: Rewriting and Originality”, coordinated by Prof. Juan Signes Codoñer (University of Valladolid) and founded by Education and Science Ministry of Spain.

My initial PhD project is centred on the story of the Athenian tyrant Peisistratus as the first compiler and editor of the Homeric poems. The aim of the PhD research is to study this legend in the Graeco-Latin sources from the Classical period (Aristoteles and Pseudo-Plato) to the Byzantine age (John Tzetzes and Eustathius of Thessalonica, 12th century). The subsequent philological analysis and commentary, connecting all the testimonies, shows how the ‘Peisistratid legend’ developed and changed, incorporating new elements from other cultures. Furthermore, it is possible to detect similar stories of ‘power-sponsored editions of authoritative books based on the oral tradition’ in other contemporary cultures, such as the Bible edition of the Septuaginta and even in the edition of Quran, Shahnameh and Avesta. Therefore, this PhD will be divided in two parts: the first one will deal with the analysis and commentary of the corpus testimonies and the second one will be about the Indo-European cultures with similar patterns and connections.